
The behaviour of InfraRED can be cutomised by modifying the following property files :

Sample files are available under the props folder in the release zip.

The following properties in can be modified. If omitted, InfraRED assumes suitable defaults for each of these properties. As is evident from the table below, the default behaviour of InfraRED does not to monitor the application.

Property Description Default Value
enable-monitoringThis boolean property decides if Infrared should monitor the application. If this property is set to false, no data will be visible on the Infrared web gui.false
jdbc-monitoring-enableThis boolean property decides if Infrared should monitor the jdbc executions for the application.false
enable-call-tracingThis boolean property decides if Infrared should record call traces. A call trace is a sequence of executions in an application and the Infrared web gui makes use of a tree structure to display the call trace.false
prune-thresholdThe threshold value (in milliseconds) for any execution to be recorded in InfraRED. Executions taking lesser time than this value (in ms) would be pruned by Infrared.3000
last-invocations-to-traceThe number of invocations that need to be displayed in the Last Invocations page of the InfraRED web gui.0
collection-strategyThe class name of the strategy that needs to be employed for the collection of the metrics of the application. Infrared currently supports only CentralizedCollectionStrategy and the corresponding class name is net.sf.infrared.agent.transport.impl.CentralizedCollectionStrategy. The default DoNothingCollectionStrategy, as the name indicates, acts as a dummy collection strategy
collection-strategy.ccs.remotehostThe hostname of the machine that runs the infrared collector. The collected statistics for the application are flushed to the collector in the remotehost making use of a socket connection.localhost
collection-strategy.ccs.portThe port number on the remotehost where the Infrared collector listens for the flushed statistics.7777
collection-strategy.ccs.flush-frequencyThe frequency at which the collected statistics for the application need to be flushed to the collector in the remotehost. The flush frequency value needs to be optimised for good performance. The higher the value, the longer the statistics need to be stored at the application end and hence the greater will be the required memory. On the other hand, a lower frequency implies larger network traffic.30000
collection-strategy.ccs.poolThis boolean property decides if the collected statistics need to be maintained using thread pools in the application end before they are flushed to the collector in the remote host.true
collection-strategy.ccs.pool.maxThreadsThe maximum number of threads permissible in the thread pool.This property is applicable only if the collection-strategy.ccs.pool is set to true.1
collection-strategy.ccs.pool.buffer-lengthThe capacity of the pool buffer indicating the number of elements that can be held. This property is applicable only if the collection-strategy.ccs.pool is set to true.100

The file provides some configurable properties on the InfraRED web gui.

Property Description Default Value
persist-intervalThe interval (in milliseconds) at which the collected statistics for the application are written to the database. All the statistics that reach the collector within this time interval will be merged.300000
web.color-thresholdThe threshold (in ms) above which "hot spots" of the application are displayed in a different color.25
web.num-of-sql-queriesThe number of SQL queries to be displayed in the Sql Statistics pages of the Infrared web gui.5

Aspects provided with InfraRED

InfraRED can track the timing of various types of executions in an application - SQL queries, JSP rendering, Hibernate queries, method executions etc. These are configured by writing AOP aspects. InfraRED ships with a set of aspects which are sufficient for typical usage. This section describes those aspects (Note: We use AspectWerkz XML aspects in this section although we support both AspectWerkz and AspectJ AOP frameworks).

Api Aspect

Api Aspect can be used to track execution of regular Java methods. Also, methods can be categorized into different layers. Typical usage looks like:

<!DOCTYPE aspectwerkz PUBLIC

    <system id="">      
        <exclude package="net.sf.infared.*"/>        
            All public methods in package and its subpackages
            will be recorded as LayerOne
        <aspect class="net.sf.infrared.aspects.api.ApiAspect"
                deployment-model="perClass" name="LayerOne"> 
            <param name="layer" value="LayerOne"/>
            <pointcut name="methodExecution" 
                      expression="execution(public **...*(..))"/>
            <advice name="collectMetrics(StaticJoinPoint sjp)" type="around" bind-to="methodExecution"/>
            All public methods in package and its subpackages
            will be recorded as LayerTwo
        <aspect class="net.sf.infrared.aspects.api.ApiAspect"
                deployment-model="perClass" name="LayerTwo"> 
            <param name="layer" value="LayerTwo"/>
            <pointcut name="methodExecution" 
                      expression="execution(public **...*(..))"/>
            <advice name="collectMetrics(StaticJoinPoint sjp)" type="around" bind-to="methodExecution"/>

In the above fragment, all public methods in package and its subpackages will be recorded as LayerOne and those in package and its subpackages will be recorded as LayerTwo. More details on the syntax of the XML file can be found in the AspectWerkz documentation.

Hibernate Aspect

Hibernate Aspect collects performance information of execution of Hibernate queries. Typical usage is:

<!DOCTYPE aspectwerkz PUBLIC

    <system id="infrared.system.hibernate">
        <exclude package="net.sf.infared.*"/>
        <include package="net.sf.hibernate.*"/>
        <include package="org.hibernate.*"/>
        <aspect class="net.sf.infrared.aspects.hibernate.Hibernate2Aspect"
            <pointcut name="hib2Query(net.sf.hibernate.Query query)" 
            expression="execution(public java.util.List org.hibernate.Query+.list()) AND target(query)"/>
            <pointcut name="hib2Find(String queryString)" 
            expression="execution(public * net.sf.hibernate.Session+.find()) AND args(queryString, ..)"/>
            <advice name="aroundQueryExecution(net.sf.hibernate.Query q, StaticJoinPoint sjp)" 
            type="around" bind-to="hib2Query(q)"/>
            <advice name="aroundQueryExecution(String q, StaticJoinPoint sjp)" 
            type="around" bind-to="hib2Find(q)"/>         
        <aspect class="net.sf.infrared.aspects.hibernate.Hibernate3Aspect"
            <pointcut name="hib3Query(org.hibernate.Query query)" 
                expression="execution(public java.util.List org.hibernate.Query+.list()) AND target(query)"/>
            <pointcut name="hib3Find(String queryString)" 
                expression="execution(public * org.hibernate.Session+.find()) AND args(queryString, ..)"/>

            <advice name="aroundQueryExecution(org.hibernate.Query q, StaticJoinPoint sjp)" 
                type="around" bind-to="hib3Query(q)"/>
            <advice name="aroundQueryExecution(String q, StaticJoinPoint sjp)" 
                type="around" bind-to="hib3Find(q)"/>


Note that most applications might not be using both Hibernate 2 & 3, so only one of the above two aspects need to be configured.